Coal Mining Investigations

Coal mining has been an important industry for hundreds of years but records of mining works are often incomplete or non-existent. Developments on land affected by mining may be at risk from toxicity, subsidence and hazardous ground gasses. Any developer working in such an area should complete a Coal Mining Risk Assessment (CMRA) in the first instance.
The purpose of a CMRA is to review information on historical mining activities, their potential impact on ground instability and any risk that could affect a development. The report should then set out a strategy for the investigation, mitigation and remediation of those risks to ensure that the site can be safely developed for the intended end-use.
GeoDyne has had extensive experience of producing CMRA reports both in the East Midlands and further afield in accordance with guidelines prepared by the Coal Authority (i.e. 'Coal Mining Risk Assessment Model Template')
Following a review of the site's history, geology, coal mining report and records held at The Coal Authority offices, we use this data to design a bespoke strategy for further investigation which typically comprises a phased programme of rotary drilling. Subsequent treatment schemes may involve the capping and stabilising of mine shafts, grouting old workings together with gas control and mitigation. GeoDyne provide a supervision and validation service to ensure that grouting works are completed and reported to the satisfaction of the Coal Authority.