Soil & Groundwater Contaminant Assessments

The sites hydrogeological setting is a fundamental consideration when assessing the potential risk of any existing soil or groundwater contamination. Groundwater and surface waters are designated as Controlled Waters under the Water Resources Act (1991) and it is an offence to cause Controlled Waters to become polluted.
Initial assessment is carried out as part of the monitoring procedure, providing an opportunity for sampling and testing of the groundwater chemistry. If groundwater contamination is identified, it may be necessary to carry out a detailed site-specific soil and groundwater risk assessment.
GeoDyne has expertise in undertaking these assessments, following the Environment Agency’s remedial targets risk assessment methodology (commonly referred to as the P20 model), which can be carried out as a tiered approach to include site-specific modelling parameters. This enables factors of dilution and attenuation to be effectively modelled.
In the event of gross groundwater contamination being identified, GeoDyne partners with a number of key groundwater remediation contractors to deliver bespoke soil and groundwater remediation solutions.