Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessments (DQRA)

A robust site investigation can establish the nature and extent of contamination at a site. A generic quantitative risk assessment which will assess the contamination against standard criteria but in some cases a site-specific Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment (DQRA) may be needed.
The procedure for managing contaminated land is specified in the Environment Agency’s report 'Model Procedures for the Management of Land Contamination', usually known as CLR 11.
Our Engineers are fully conversant with the current CLEA model, together with the BP RISC model (which we have reconfigured to take account of exposure parameters, toxicology and fate and transport assumptions consistent with Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act). We also utilise probabilistic modelling (PDF) and two- and three-dimensional modelling and contouring to enable bespoke risk assessments to be produced.
GeoDyne has considerable experience in Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment (DQRA), which we use to deliver cost effective, transparent, technically robust and environmentally acceptable remediation solutions for a variety of clients.